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Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Mindfulness, Distress Tolerence, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Skills, Meditation


Program Goals

  • Learning and implementing skills in the following areas

    • Mindfulness

    • Distress Tolerance

    • Emotion Regulation

    • Interpersonal Skills

    • Self-management

    • Implementation of all skills into daily life

  • DBT is an effective form of therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder.  It does not use process therapy, instead is  skills based concentrating on relearning new healthy skills to replace dysfunctional learned traits

  • DBT is also effective in treating:

    • Self-harming adults

    • Substance Abuse/Dependence Disorders

    • Multiple Axis I and Axis II Diagnoses

    • Adolescents

    • Eating Disorders

    • Bi-Polar and Mood Disorder

  • Components of DBT Group

    • Group Skills Training each Thursday for an hour and a half

    • Individual therapy once a week after 8 sessions of group skills training to review homework, diary card, report skills used in week, difficulty in implementation or reverting back into dysfunctional old skills

    • Coordination of Care with clients existing one-on- one therapist/provider regarding progress.


 Dialectical Behavior Therapy Group: $35 a session cash pay. Individual sessions billed through client insurance all co-pays applicable. If no insurance available for one on one $45 cash pay per session.  A one-time $10 materials fee will be charged for the first session for manual. 



The program can take three months to a year to complete dependent upon skill level and strength of dysfunctional traits. This is not a process group it is a skills group retraining skills to become capable of healthy interaction with family, friends and work related interactions.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Group

Advanced DBT  Group: Thursday 9:00 am to 10:45 am

DBT Group: Monday 12:00 to 1:30

One on one therapy available after 8 sessions.

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